The graphics don't hold a candle to games from the same year. In general, the graphics are pretty bland and there seems to be a bug with the graphics engine since the textures keep flashing at times. The animations are very bad, your character for example slides on the ground when walking diagonally. Every crop or vegetation consists of 2D images sticking up in the ground.
As for the music in this game, there isn't much of it. There's only one song continuously looping and it's some country-style music which gets old really quick. As far as sounds go, there isn't much to mention.
The gameplay is to say the least, boring and horrible. The core gameplay aspect of this game is to drive up and down a field, keeping your efficiency meter high and collect some Deere Dollars on the side(your efficiency meter also gives you money). It seems that the entire village is treating John Deere as a lunatic since they are paying him with a non-existing currency giving them cheap labour, for free in fact. Every mission in this game is pretty much the same, you'll have to drive up and down, either planting crops, harvesting them or spraying them. You'll get Deere Dollars which allow you to purchase equipment such as tractors or various tools. Basically you're doing repetitious actions with one song continuously looping, making this game one of the best solution for people suffering from insomnia, because you'll surely fall asleep whilst playing this game. If you've finished all the missions and have purchased every piece of equipment available, you can do everything again on your own land which will give you money, which is useless at that point giving this game a low replay value, together with a low play value.
This game's controls are unpleasantly scattered around the keyboard and I was surprised when I noticed that I could use my gamepad. Which meant that I could lean back in my couch and use just one hand to make turns and drive ahead on the fields. I suggest that you use a rubber band in order to keep pressing down your acceleration button, so you just have to take turns.
In conclusion, I really don't recommend getting this game, even if they're offering you money to play it. I did some research on the internet and noticed that there's a group of people that do enjoy this game. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! THEY HAVE ALL BEEN BRAINWASHED.
So unless you're planning on torturing a friend or a sibling or if you're a parent trying to make your children brainless apathetic creatures, don't waste your money on this game.