Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King(which I'll later refer to as LOTR:ROTK) is a co-production of EA Games and New Line Cinema. The game was released in 2003, a year in which titles like Rayman 3, Devil May Cry 2, SimCity 4, Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire, Warcraft III, Manhunt and many others were released. LOTR:ROTK can best be described as a Hack and Slasher with RPG-influences.

The storyline is pretty self-explanatory, since most people are familiar with the Lord of the Rings movies. This game lets you play in certain events that happened throughout the movies, not only the third movie with the same title as this game. Some levels you'll be playing are Isengard, Mordor, Gondor and many more.

The graphics in this game haven't really aged well, that's something you'll notice straight away. It has a bit of a blurry feeling to it when compared to newer games. But at the time I first played it(at a friend's house, before purchasing the game myself) I was blown away, the graphics were better than I had ever seen before. And therefore it is only fair that we rate the graphics from that perspective. The details when it comes to the characters you control were great for that time, although having the same minor flaws that were common for games from that timeperiod such as capes not having ragdoll psychics and there having stuttering animation in between moves. The levels in which you fight in this game are a faithful copy of the areas in the movies, although a bit limited. This game was also the first game(and I think the only one I've played) that used clips from a movie to tell the story in which you can see the game switching over from a polygon-structured scene to a movie clip, which can be spotted right away of course but it doesn't really bother you.

The overall presentation of this game is quite good, this goes for the sound and music as well. The game features many songs and sound-effects from the movie, giving you that feeling from the movies. Whenever you hear that battletune from the movies, you know that you'll have to pay attention since you'll probably have to face off against many enemies.

The gameplay in this game is very, very smooth. I've spend countless of hours with my friends on this game, since this game also offers co-op(if you have a gamepad, that is). Slaughtering thousands of Orcs, beating bosses and solving puzzles is very fun in this game, especially in co-op. The fighting in this game has been executed very well, you'll be ploughing through crowds like it's nothing, if you've leveled up that is, because this game can become challenging at certain moments. Fighting in this game feels very nice and quick, especially with the rpg-influences this game has, such as the ability to level up and gain experience points which can be used to purchase certain combo's and moves, which add variety to the fighting. The unlockable characters and the leveling really extend the playing-time, because you'll end up trying to unlock every extra the game has to offer such as secret characters, bonus levels and many more.

There are however a few throwbacks in this game, an example of this is that at a couple of levels in the story line you'll find yourself being confused at what it is that you have to do, this can be extremely annoying when you have a timelimit. Another thing is that when playing co-op all things are shared, so if you aren't aware of it you'll end up having no experience points to spend on the stats of player 2's character. In co-op, lives are shared as well, let's say that you play on normal and have 3 lives, then you're both allowed to die once, but if you or your friend dies twice, you're automatically required to stay alive for the rest of the level, this might not seem like a big issue, but when being cornered by Orcs it can lead to having to start over.

So to conclude this review I think I can easily say that this is a good purchase if you ever happen to stumble upon the game, despite the few flaws this game remains to be extremely fun, both co-op and singleplayer, although I'd suggest playing it with a friend, since it adds to the experience. However, if you put great value in graphics and only want to see the latest high-detailed graphics I'd suggest to let this one go, since it's probably not your cup of tea. Another thing I'd like to add is that there's no online multiplayer, but if you look at what type of a game this is, it's not really a surprise. So to end this review I'd like to say that you should really give this game a try, it's extremely fun and probably very cheap since it's from 2003.