The game begins after the end of the movie Robocop. You are put in the rol of a Delta City's cyborg police officer. There isn't a real story only that you are send to parts of the city to combat crime. And by combat I mean kill every one that is hostile to you. Charming.
To help you do this you have multiple weapons to your disposal such as his trusty pistol, a missile launcher etc.
The graphics in this game are bad and outdated, for a game of 2003 you would expect more than this. It looks like Half Life for the pc and even that game looks better. And that game was released in 1998, so the developers should be ashamed of themselves.
The levels are boring and it isn't always clear where you have to go. And if you have missed one hostile person, the game doesn't allow you to continue.
The characters look weird. With weird I mean that their faces are flat for the most part. So to counter this the developers had the idea to put the flat areas in angles so you would have the idea that the heads aren't flat at all.
The music in this game is weird. It constantly repeats itself so after a while you will be banging your head against the wall, begging to make it stop. Robocop himself talks too. When you pick up ammunition or energy, he will say what he has just picked up. It sounds real cool when you hear it for the first time, but after hearing it a thousand times you will go crazy.
The AI is stupid, really stupid. Instead of taking cover when you show up, they will stand right in front of you, firing at your metal ass. So you won't be having any problems completing the levels, unless of course you miss one individual.
So to conclude this review, don't ever download this game nor buy it. The graphics are bad, the sound is awfull and this game doesn't really make any sense. It's only a rip of from the movie.