Thursday, May 19, 2011

APB: Reloaded open beta delayed

Open Beta Testing APB: Reloaded, which should have started yesterday, was postponed indefinitely due to connection problems encountered during the closed beta test.

"Hi guys
We have come across a new player disconnection issue that cropped up in the last 48 hours that has made us put a temporary hold on the launch of Open Beta until further notice. We are releasing a new Closed Beta patch today (patch 84) to further investigate the issue and will evaluate as soon as that patch is live this afternoon PST.

The issue manifests itself in disconnecting some groups of players after one to two hours of gameplay, which clearly is not acceptable in Open Beta.

In the meantime we are looking to our devoted community of Closed Beta testers to continue playing the game so we can continue recording data related to the issue and track down the root cause of this particular service-affecting problem.

If we determine after the next patch that the issue has been resolved, we will then proceed to release the game to the public.

As soon as we have more data we will update the community on Facebook, Blogs and through Twitter.

We are clearly disappointed that this afternoon's public launch has been put temporarily on hold, but in the end we strongly believe that first addressing this issue is the most critical and important step we can take as a development team.

As we have done throughout the entire re-launch we will continue being extremely communicative with the community, and will share any status updates as soon as they become available.

On a positive note, we are also in the middle of preparing a thank you “goodie-pack” of game items to all our Closed Beta players for their efforts over the past two months, and we will release that pack the week after Open Beta is released to the general public.

Bjorn / TechMech "
Well we have to wait.....ZzzzzZzzzz